Emily Stannard – Dotdigital https://dotdigital.com Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:52:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://mkr1en1mksitesap.blob.core.windows.net/staging/2021/11/favicon-61950c71180a3.png Emily Stannard – Dotdigital https://dotdigital.com 32 32 How Lyre’s boosted conversions by 53% with Dotdigital https://dotdigital.com/blog/how-lyres-boosted-conversions-by-53-with-dotdigital/ Mon, 30 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/how-lyres-boosted-conversions-by-53-with-dotdigital/ In this blog, I’ll highlight some of the key Dotdigital functionalities that have helped Lyre’s grow its brand and increase its email marketing conversion rates by 53% since adopting dotdigital in December 2019.

Formed in 2019, Lyre’s is an independent company, founded in Australia, with offices in Sydney, London, and San Francisco. Deriving inspiration from the Australian Lyrebird, the world’s greatest mimic, Lyre’s provides the world’s most successful mimic of the classic style of spirits, in a non-alcohol version. Created to change the way the world drinks and give freedom of choice, Lyre’s range of premium non-alcoholic variants contain the same natural essences, extracts, and distillates that match the aroma, taste, and appearance you find within time-tested classics. You can find our case study on how Lyre’s used dotdigital to increase conversion rates by 53% here.

Marketing automation and dynamic content

Lyre’s dotdigital journey launched with a ‘What’s your social animal’ campaign, where contacts filled out a quiz that would give them their ideal Lyre’s personality. The data from the form synced into Dotdigital, triggering an automation that commenced the customer’s ‘welcome journey’.

The automation program sends contacts an email with a discount code, their quiz result, and their own tailored Lyre’s cocktail suggestion.

This fun use of dynamic content based on quiz results encouraged an immediate connection with the brand, as well as offering an incentive to make a purchase. The automation was a great success, seeing a 51.65% open rate.

Child accounts

Child accounts allow you to manage different regions, brands, or stores in separate accounts. In Lyre’s case, the team wanted to have separate accounts for their US, UK, European, and Australian websites in order to target customers by region and allow reporting by currency.

Big Commerce integration

dotdigital is a BigCommerce Elite technology partner, and when Lyre’s launched on Big Commerce, it was able to seamlessly integrate its stores with its Dotdigital accounts for each region. This allowed the brand to target its customers based on their shopping and website behaviors, as it expanded into different regions.

Winning with abandoned cart campaigns!

An abandoned cart email captures customers who have added contents to their cart without checking out. Lyre’s abandoned cart campaign sees a 29.65% open rate, with a click-through rate of 8.73%. Want to learn more about how to develop a strategy that’ll help you make customers out of your abandoned carts? Check out our blog here.

Looking forward

In the future, Lyre’s is looking to start retargeting customers based on their previous purchasing habits. This will allow the team to re-engage with customers who made a recent purchase through triggered repurchase emails. Stay tuned for the next edition of our customer success stories series, where I’ll talk about how Australian natural health retailer, Caruso’s Natural Health, used dotdigital’s RFM functionality to optimize its 2019 Singles’ Day campaign!
