Artificial Intelligence – Dotdigital Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:08:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Artificial Intelligence – Dotdigital 32 32 SEO copywriting tips for marketers Wed, 16 Aug 2023 08:00:00 +0000 In digital marketing, effective copywriting plays an important role in driving engagement and conversions. Creating persuasive and actionable content that appeals to your target audience’s emotions and needs is important for a successful marketing campaign. Let’s discuss the top tips you can use to master the art of copywriting.

Get to know your target audience

Copywriting is all about creating a connection with your audience. To do so, you need to understand their needs, desires, and pain points. Start by diving into market research, identifying your customer’s demographics, and learning about their preferences and habits. By understanding your audience, you can create personalized content that resonates with them.

The second step is empathy. Place yourself in your customer’s shoes and see the world from their perspective. Write as if you’re speaking directly to them, addressing their concerns, alleviating their fears, and offering solutions to their problems. The more you understand and identify with your audience, the more impactful your copywriting becomes.

Use Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful assistant that you can use to optimize your SEO copywriting efforts. Generative AI helps you with:

  • Content optimization: You can use AI to analyze your content and provide real-time suggestions on improving your content. These recommendations may include keyword density, readability, structure, and other factors that could impact your search rankings. By utilizing these insights, you can ensure your content is more likely to be discovered by your target audience. 
  • Keyword research: Keyword research is an essential aspect of SEO copywriting and tools like SEMrush can simplify this process by providing insights into relevant search terms your audience might be using. 
  • Generating ideas and headlines: Content ideation can often be time-consuming for marketers. AI tools can help you scan the web and analyze popular trends and topics within your niche to provide fresh, engaging content ideas. 
  • Proofreading: AI-driven grammar and spell-check tools like Grammarly are great for automatically identifying and correcting errors, ensuring your copy is polished and professional.

Write an attention-grabbing headline

The headline is often the first thing your reader sees and plays a significant role in grabbing their attention. A good headline should get your message across, spark curiosity, and encourage them to read more. Use powerful words and be concise to evoke emotion and pique interest.

Headlines should include your primary keywords. A mix of powerful, actionable language and SEO best practices will skyrocket your content visibility, attract new readers, and improve your search rankings.

Keep it clear and concise

Effective copywriting is all about delivering your message to the target audience in the most straightforward and impactful way possible. Remember, every word you write should serve a purpose, and unnecessary fluff will only dilute the power of your message. Here are some quick tips:

  • Focus on one idea at a time: When writing copy, focus on one main idea per paragraph or section. Write in an active voice, keep your sentences, short, and punchy to communicate your point effectively. This makes your message easy to grasp and leaves no room for confusion. 
  • Use accessible language: While you may have expertise in your industry, remember that your target audience might not share your level of knowledge. It’s important to use simple language and avoid jargon, technical terms, or acronyms that your audience may not understand. 
  • Break up the text: Long, unbroken blocks of text can be intimidating and hard to read. Improve the readability of your copy by using white space, bullet points, and subheadings. This will make your content more visually appealing and easier to digest. 
  • Use clear headings:  Clear, well-organized headings are essential not only for capturing your reader’s attention but also for providing accessibility to screen reader users. Properly structured headings help in guiding both visually impaired and non-impaired users through your content with ease. 

Use effective call-to-actions (CTAs)

Create effective CTAs to encourage your readers to take action. To achieve this, strategically embed persuasive CTAs throughout and at the end of your copy that focus on the benefits, and are action-oriented. Tailor your CTAs to fit your specific goals, such as driving subscriptions, boosting product sales, or generating leads —a CTA should be direct, use active language, and be interesting. 

Incorporate power words like ‘Discover,’ ‘New,’ and ‘Unlock’ to evoke a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different formats and styles to see what resonates best with your audience.

Optimize for SEO

Copywriting plays an essential role in creating content that ranks high on Google and other search engines. Research relevant keywords that your audience is likely to search for and seamlessly incorporate them into your content, headlines, and meta descriptions. Strike the perfect balance between readability and keyword density to avoid penalties from search engines.

Additionally, consider the overall structure of your content. Break it into easy-to-read sections with informative subheadings that also contain your keywords. To enhance your online presence and strengthen your backlink profile on Google, make certain to integrate high-quality, relevant external and internal links within your content, as these play a vital role in search rankings.

Cultivate a consistent brand tone of voice

The tone of voice, which serves as the “how” when conveying your message, combines elements like word choice, punctuation, and font style to evoke emotion in your readers. Striking the right balance between creativity and adherence to brand guidelines ensures that your messaging remains both engaging and familiar to your audience.

Defining a brand voice that aligns with your target audience is important for creating an emotional connection and laying the groundwork for meaningful, long-lasting customer relationships. By remaining consistent across various channels, you’ll not only strengthen your brand identity but also cultivate trust with your audience.

Test and measure results

Improving your copy is a continuous process, and A/B testing can help you achieve that. Create multiple variations of your copy, analyze which ones resonate well with your target audience, and use those insights to enhance your content. It’s important to remember that the first draft may never be perfect. Therefore, keep refining your copy based on your test results.

To improve your writing, set up a few key performance indicators (KPIs) to focus on. These metrics will help you pinpoint the areas of your copy that require more attention. When creating new content, prioritize those areas and give them the attention they deserve.

Adapt to evolving market trends, to create content that continues to strike a chord with your target audience. Here are some quick tips to keep up with market trends:

Look at the competition: Keeping an eye on your competitors gives you valuable insights into emerging trends, strategies that work (and those that don’t), and potential gaps to fill in your niche. Analyze their content, marketing tactics, and customer reviews, then use this information to refine your copy and stay ahead in the game.

Do market research: Staying updated with the latest market research helps you understand emerging trends and the shifting needs of your target audience. By gathering and analyzing information on customer preferences, you can adjust your content accordingly and maintain a strong connection with your audience.

Set up trend alerts: Keep track of industry trends and news that could impact your target audience by setting up alerts and notifications. Set up alerts and notifications – you can use platforms like Google Trends to effortlessly follow relevant topics. Use the insights you gather to update your copy and address any new developments or concerns with your audience.


Mastering the art of copywriting is a valuable skill that can significantly impact the success of your digital marketing efforts. By truly understanding your target audience and using empathy to connect with them, you’ll be able to create compelling messages that inspire action. Remember, every aspect – from attention-grabbing headlines to persuasive CTAs – works in harmony, guiding your reader through a captivating journey.

Don’t forget to prioritize SEO optimization and maintaining a consistent brand voice to maximize the reach and impact of your content. Embrace AI-based tools as they can assist you in streamlining your content creation process, optimizing for search engines, and better connecting with your target audience. As you refine your copywriting skills, stay agile and adapt to evolving market trends. Keep experimenting, measuring, and learning from your results, and you’ll soon become a copywriting expert with the ability to convert your readers into loyal customers.

Key takeaways from Retail Innovation Conference and Expo Mon, 10 Jul 2023 08:00:00 +0000 The Retail Innovation Conference and Expo (RICE), held in Chicago, IL, is a premier event showcasing emerging trends and innovative insights from business leaders and all-stars in the ecommerce, social media, and martech space. Our team from Dotdigital in the US attended the event and made note of the important takeaways so that we can keep you up-to-date on the latest retail developments.

Key takeaways from the Retail Innovation Conference and Expo

Let’s discuss the key takeaways from sessions at #RICE23: 

1. Leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI)

One of the most intriguing and innovative concepts presented at this year’s #RICE23 was the potential and utilization of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the retail industry. As retailers aim to deliver more personalized, efficient, and engaging customer experiences, the introduction of generative AI proves to be a game-changer in meeting these expectations.

A prime example of generative AI in action is WinstonAI. WinstonAI draws on Microsoft Azure’s generative AI technology (GPT-3.5) to offer suggestions and inspiration on how to take your campaign content to the next level. Built directly into the Dotdigital platform, WinstonAI can now easily provide you with hints, tips, and advice on how to improve your email marketing and customer experiences. 

If you want generative AI tools like WinstonAI to meet your expectations, it’s crucial to dedicate time and resources to train them. By refining these AI models with suitable data and feedback, you can unlock your full potential to develop more powerful marketing campaigns.

2. Deliver personalized customer experiences

In the era of fierce competition, driving customer loyalty and retention goes beyond offering high-quality products or services. To create meaningful connections, brands must prioritize personalization and create positive customer experiences tailored to individual preferences. By cultivating a loyal and dedicated customer base, businesses set themselves apart from the competition.

Harnessing the power of customer data is crucial to this strategy. Data guides brands in crafting unforgettable customer experiences tailored to their target audience. By gaining insights into customers’ preferences and needs, businesses can develop innovative products, launch strategies, marketing campaigns (both offline and online), custom packaging, superb in-store experiences, and user-friendly website designs that elevate their brand from the rest.

The solution lies in adopting a human-to-human (H2H) marketing approach. This paradigm shift emphasizes treating customers as humans with emotions and stories rather than mere data points. By humanizing your marketing strategy, your brand will stand out from the competition and foster stronger relationships with your target audience. This deeper connection ultimately influences their decision to choose your brand over others.

3. Embrace creativity

If you want to stand out and attract the attention of the tech-savvy Gen Z audience, creativity is key. This generation appreciates new and unique ideas, and they are more likely to try out brands that break away from the norm. Don’t hesitate to be innovative with your products, marketing strategies, or brand stories to set yourself apart from the competition. Additionally, make sure to communicate with this generation on their preferred channels and engage in meaningful conversations.

Liquid Death is a brand that has effectively used creative marketing to establish its own unique identity. While they sell canned water, their success comes from their entertainment and content-driven approach. Their marketing strategies aim to create an exciting and unconventional image that stands out among competitors and captures the attention of customers.

4. Build a community

Cultivating a sense of community within your brand is pivotal to forging lasting, personal connections with your customers. This intimate relationship fosters a sense of belonging, support, and empowerment, transforming casual customers into passionate, engaged champions who actively use your products and services.

The power of a strong brand community offers: 

  • Enhanced virality: When customers feel connected to your brand, they are more inclined to share content and products within their networks. This organic sharing significantly expands your reach and fuels viral growth.
  • Natural brand advocates: Members who are deeply engaged with your brand community will readily share their positive experiences, recommendations, and testimonials with their circles, establishing trust and credibility among potential customers.

5. Maintain your digital presence

It’s important to keep your digital presence up-to-date to create a positive perception of your brand. Your ecommerce site and martech stack should evolve with changing consumer expectations, as customers often form their first impression of your products and services through your digital presence.

If your website is outdated, it may harm your brand’s reputation and give potential customers the impression that you are not up-to-date with current trends. This could affect their decision-making process and lead to losing customers. Therefore, it’s important to update your website regularly.

To maintain your digital presence, you can: 

  • Update your technology stack: As technology evolves, so do the expectations of tech-savvy consumers. Invest in tools and integrations to deliver a seamless user experience that meets consumer demands.
  • Refresh your design: A visually appealing, modern design can significantly influence a brand’s image. Regularly update your website or email design elements, layout, and color scheme to reflect the latest design trends and maintain a fresh, contemporary appearance.
  • Monitor your competition: Keep an eye on your competitors’ websites and take note of any updates or changes they make. This can help you stay informed of the latest industry trends and anticipate consumer expectations.


During #RICE23, experts in ecommerce, social media, and martech discussed valuable insights. In today’s rapidly evolving retail industry, it’s essential for brands to keep up with industry trends and consumer preferences to succeed. Thankfully, we were right there, soaking it all in for you, so you don’t miss a beat in keeping your business on top of its game! 

Expert tips for writing the perfect email subject line Mon, 03 Jul 2023 08:00:00 +0000 As it stands, email subject lines are the second most important factor in the reader’s decision whether to open or not. Brand awareness and the sender’s name is the only factor that tops it.


Because it’s often the first thing recipients see. And, if they check out the sender’s name first, they’ll then turn to the subject line to decide whether opening it will benefit them.

No matter how amazing your design, the level of personalization, or the fancy imagery you use, it won’t make a difference if you can’t get readers to open it in the first place.

Of course, that’s not to say creating first-class email content is a waste of time. That’s the stuff that gets the conversions and drives sales. But, to get the opens that lead to clicks, you need to work for it.

We’ve got simple tips to help you create the perfect email subject line. Follow these, and we guarantee you’ll have the best email subject lines in the business.

Personalize, personalize, personalize

If you want to increase your open rate, it’s important to personalize your subject lines. You can grab your reader’s attention by using data fields to pull in information about the customer, like name, location, or other relevant information. Additionally, targeting your message to the right audience is crucial. Personalization not only makes customers feel valued and understood, but it also provides useful content that can make their life easier. In an inbox full of generic messaging, personalization can set your email apart.

Use artificial intelligence (AI)

If you’re looking for a way to take any email subject line to the next level – say hello to WinstonAI. This innovative tool uses cutting-edge Microsoft Azure GPT3.5 technology to help you come up with the perfect subject line that will make your campaigns stand out from the crowd. Plus, WinstonAI can even analyze your past campaigns to learn your preferred tone, wording, and structure. This can help you free up time when you’re stuck figuring out what the perfect subject line is. 

Vary subject line length

Many email clients like Gmail, Yahoo, and more cut subject lines when they’re being viewed by web-based readers. Usually, the cut-off point for this is around the 55-character limit. Mobile inboxes, on the other hand, commonly cut off subject lines at about 30 characters.

To ensure that your subject lines are making an impact, be sure to check your campaign reporting. This will help you identify the device on which your customers are opening. Then, you can plan your subject lines around this suggested length.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you must strictly stick to these character limits. One of the best parts of working on subject lines is the ability to experiment. Don’t think about it as trial and error – think of it as trial and trial and trial until success.

Include a call to action

You want customers to complete an action. That’s why you’re emailing, so why not be clear about what you want? Positive action verbs are a good option as long as you’re careful not to come across as spammy. Think along the lines of “get yours,” “discover,” “save”, “join us”, and “book today.”

If you’re worried about coming across as a spam sender (we’ll be covering how best to avoid this later), then try making key benefits or propositions the CTA in your email subject line. If the key benefit of shopping with you comes from your offer of free shipping, push this in your subject line. If you’re offering student discounts, shout about it to drive opens.

Essentially, you should be thinking, “What will drive my readers to convert?” Whatever the answer, try running with it in your email subject line.

Be relevant

Relevancy is key. Whether it’s your email copy or your subject lines, shoppers will only answer your emails if it’s going to benefit them.

Don’t be vague or mysterious. Intriguing subject lines might generate good open rates, but your end goal is click-throughs and conversions. And you’re not going to get those if your email isn’t related to your subject line. In the long run, this could actually be detrimental to your brand. By misleading them, you could erode their fragile trust in you.

So, keep your subject lines related to your key message. It’ll increase the quality of opens and consequently improve your click-through rate.

Tell, don’t sell

Steer clear adding unnecessary descriptive adjectives to your subject lines. Words like ‘amazing’, ‘unbeatable’, and ‘stunning’ actually do very little to convince recipients to open.

Our Global benchmark report revealed that false urgency in subject lines don’t perform well. Words that were once considered to inspire action are driving inaction. Especially in retailer sectors, words like ‘exclusive’, ‘days’, ‘ends’, ‘save’, ‘extra’, and ‘last’ were the worst performing. 

Keep it simple and tell readers what they can expect from your email. There’s no need to make grand promises and oversell what is simply a new product launch, event, or mid-season sale.

Once again, this will improve the quality of your opens. When it’s clear to the reader what’s inside you’re giving them more reason to convert.

Avoid spam words

It’s every email marketer’s nightmare to have their hard word flagged as spam.

After all the work that goes into creating a fully optimized email marketing campaign, you don’t want to be the one in five that gets caught by the spam filter.

Spam filters are constantly checking for specific triggers that indicate an email might be spam:

  • Specific word choice
  • Messages in ALL CAPS
  • Emails without an unsubscribe button
  • Links to unknown or questionable websites
  • Colorful, hard to read, and different sized fonts

Typically spam filters look for suspicious words or phrases associated with scams, schemes, free gifts, and more.

What to avoid:

  • Spam words that make exaggerated claims and promises, e.g. #1, 100% satisfied, earn money, free consultation, and satisfaction guaranteed.
  • Words that create unnecessary urgency and pressure, e.g. act now, apply now, get started now, please read, while supplies last, and more.
  • Spammy words or words that imply shady or unethical behavior, e.g. cancel at any time, no hidden charges, meet singles, etc.
  • Words that are considered jargon or typically used in legal documents, e.g. as seen on, bonus, certified, cheap, join millions, this message contains, quote, and more.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t EVER use these words in your emails. It just means to use these words and phrases responsibly.

The best performing subject lines have included words like ‘reasons’, ‘introducing’, ‘discover’, and ‘recent’. This indicates that customers are looking for content that inspires, such as ‘introducing our new range. They want brands to do more than simply push a product, they want you to sell it.

Write your subject line last

To ensure your email subject line is clear, relevant, and engaging enough to convert, you should be writing it last.

After you’ve finalized the design and written your email copy, you’ll know the exact message you’re trying to communicate. With that in mind, deciding what to include in your email subject line will be much easier.

Test your subject lines

No matter what tactic you try or the results you get, you need to test your subject lines. What works one day might not work a couple of days later. Or what increases opens for one segment may have absolutely no effect on another. That’s why you should be constantly split testing your email campaigns.


By experimenting with these subject line tips and analyzing your audience’s response, you can identify what resonates best with them. Remember to keep it concise, intriguing, and relevant to the content of your email. With practice and persistence, you’ll be able to consistently craft subject lines that grab your audience’s attention and improve the success of your email marketing campaigns.

Predictive analytics: Using customer data to future-proof your business Wed, 07 Jun 2023 09:31:05 +0000 Data has long been a powerful catalyst for revolutionizing critical business decisions, and that’s not changing any time soon. From the early days of scattered spreadsheets to the present, data-driven strategies have evolved into a driving force for growth and innovation. Organizations that harness data effectively are the pioneers, leading the charge towards unparalleled success and are unlocking new dimensions of innovation.

Today, machine learning and artificial intelligence have joined forces with data science to help us see into the future with predictive analytics. Marketers can use insights to boost revenue, generate sales, and prevent shopper churn.

What is predictive analytics?

Predictive analytics is powered by machine learning models that analyze past behavior to identify patterns that predict what’s next. In other words, you can predict the future from today’s data.

According to a Venture Beat report, an impressive 44% of companies are embracing the power of data-driven insights by integrating predictive analytics into their marketing strategy. 

This growing trend highlights the widespread recognition of predictive analytics as a game-changing tool for businesses. Insights into the future are key to helping brands stay at the forefront of customers’ minds. This is done by identifying opportunities ahead of time and mitigating risks before they happen. 

Dotdigital offers four predictive insights: next order date, customer lifetime value (CLV), number of purchases, and churn probability.

Spot opportunities a mile away with Dotdigital

The best thing about seeing into the future is that you have the upper hand. Imagine a world where you could get intel on your customers before they even knew it themselves. Well, you don’t need to imagine it.

More revenue when you need it most

More revenue is always good. But seeing where and when it will come from is even better. Marketers can create campaigns that push people over the sales line with predicted next-order dates. 

Let’s say it’s been 21 days since a customer last placed an order, and they’re predicted to place another one in seven days. Here’s what you could do within the next week to increase the likelihood of them making a purchase:

Better yet, create a segment of customers who meet similar criteria to maximize campaign ROI. That way, anyone orders in the next seven days could be nudged to the end of the purchase funnel. 

Delight your most valuable customers

It’s likely you already know who your biggest spenders are, but that only looks retrospectively. Predicted CLV lets you see the overall value a customer could add to your business. That means you know exactly who to reward, expanding the longevity and value of your most engaged contacts. What are some ways to reward brand champions at scale?

  • Remind them to join your loyalty program
  • Give them exclusive or early access to sales or products
  • Offer them VIP deals to expand their purchasing power with your brand

Foresee, expect, and avoid the risk

In the fast-paced marketing world, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. With predictive analytics, you will see potential risks and make data-driven decisions. 

Keep customers shopping with you over competitors

No one likes losing a customer. When churn happens, it‘s often too late to do anything about it, especially if you’re looking at customer data retrospectively. If you can foresee churn, it’s easier to craft experiences that re-engage because you have a key tool on your side: time.

Don’t spend too much or too little on a lost cause

The most effective retention campaigns take a lot of time and resources to create; in fact, they can be very expensive. When you have access to churn predictions, you know where to spend your energy. For example, why spend a week crafting a retention campaign for customers with a 95% churn probability? If they’re already uninterested, the last thing you want to do is push them away with another email.

Target those with a lower probability

Equally, those with the highest predicted churn rates will likely need a much harder sale to get re-engaged—for example, a hefty discount. To avoid reducing your profit margins, it’s best to only send this message to customers with a high probability of churning.

Hyperpersonalize to avoid brand erosion

We can all admit how easy it is to become fatigued by boring emails that don’t offer much value, particularly when they’re not personalized. The last thing you want to do is send an SMS campaign aiming to increase loyalty to a customer whose churn probability is high. You also don’t want to advertise a premium offer to someone with a low predicted CLV. It’s crucial to make sure that your messaging resonates with your audience to safeguard your brand. Otherwise, it may come across as insincere.

Easier customer profiling

If you want to know more about your customers, you can do it at a glance with the Dotdigital predictive diagram in the single customer view. Not only can you access all contact data in one easy location, but you can spot similarities seamlessly. Let’s say you discover that your customers with the highest predicted churn rates have not opened an email in over two months. 

You can then determine a customer profile that shows a correlation between engagement and churn. Better still, Dotdigital lets you generate a lookalike segment, which kickstarts your re-engagement campaign in just one click. With Dotdigital, profiling your customers for re-engagement or offering promotions is a few clicks away. This can help prevent customer churn and keep them interested in your brand through different channels.

Step into the future

Predictive analytics has revolutionized marketing. Marketers can now seize the opportunity and navigate risks before they arise. In the age of technological advancements, the potential of predictive marketing will only expand. This will reinforce the need to embrace a future-ready approach for a competitive edge. In today’s world, making data-driven decisions is crucial for success, and predictive analytics is leading the way in this transformation toward a bright future.

What’s new in Dotdigital: Improved UX and AI powered insights Tue, 23 May 2023 10:55:35 +0000 Customers everywhere are growing tired of bad customer experiences and uninspiring marketing that appeals to the masses, not the individual. As a result, marketing is forced to change. The role of the marketer must evolve, and the tech must follow. Here at Dotdigital, our tech is leading the change.

Predictive insights, AI-powered campaign support, and unified customer data all give you next-level tools to deliver successful marketing that stands out and lands with impact.

Let’s explore the new features now available from our May release.

Get early access to the new Dotdigital

Welcome to the new Dotdigital. We’ve upgraded our platform architecture and UI to ensure Dotdigital is everything you need now, and in the future. Taking on board customer feedback, the new version of our platform reflects changes in the marketing landscape, and in the ways you want to work. A customer experience and data platform built by marketers, for marketers.

A better user experience

We’ve updated various areas of the Dotdigital user interface to perfectly align with the working methods of the future marketer. We’ve incorporated your comments and suggestions to make it easier than ever for you to utilize all elements of the platform to the fullest, and save time thanks to our new, streamlined navigation.

Changes include:

  • All channels now under one campaigns section.
  • New and improved audience section to manage contacts, segments, personas, and more.
  • Easy to discover analytics and reporting with the new analytics section.
  • A new connect area for all your data requirements.

Plus, we’ve also made improvements to our campaign management tools to make the day-to-day management of your campaigns run smoother.

Updated campaign features:

  • Simpler campaign replies. Campaign replies are now easier to manage in the Dotdigital platform.
  • Improved sign-off process. You can now select multiple team members to have sign-off powers within the platform, reducing backlog and improving usability for large teams.
  • Better campaign tags management. Campaign tags can be used to filter and customize performance reports in Dotdigital. A new dedicated area makes it much easier to see and manage all existing and new tags.
  • Easier organization. You can now filter your campaign reports by date and even see how transactional campaigns performed during a specific time.
  • Effortless product search. We’ve also made some improvements to make it quicker and simpler to find the products you want to include in campaigns.

Get a stronger, unified picture of your customers

Image showing an email contact field with example email address joined with dots to an SMS contact field and example number also linking to an image of a person, labeled unified contact

Our new unified contact data technology allows you to link all customer data back to one single customer record. You now have more ways to identify contacts, and we’ll continue to expand the sources available to you, including our improved API and our ever-growing list of integrations.

Unified contact data allows you to get the full picture, and gives Dotdigital’s analytics tools more data to analyze when creating recommendations for you. Unified contact data is a big part of what powers a CXDP to enable you to elevate your customer experience.

Why unified contact data is important

  • All your data in one place. All of your contact data will be kept together as a single source of truth.
  • A clearer, 360 degree view. Unified contact data strengthens the insights you have on a customer, no matter where that data originates.
  • Improved campaigns. Seamlessly create data-led campaigns in Dotdigital, providing highly relevant and personalized experiences for your customers.
  • Save time. Benefit from all of your customer data from different software applications and multiple variations of customer accounts automatically syncing to Dotdigital.
  • A future-proof platform. Unified contact data ensures Dotdigital grows with you as your business and tech stack grows.

How unified contact data works

Unified contact data allows you to unify your customer data from various marketing channels and different software that makes up your customer journey, under one roof. This gives you the full picture of your customers’ journey and experience so you can react with relevant and timely communications across multiple channels.

Unified contact data is now in a Public preview, so you can self-enroll straight away to unify your contact data if you wish to. All of our customers who took part in the limited early-preview love it, so we’re confident you’re going to as well.

An improved API

Our improved API helps you better unify your data by making it easier to connect your systems. Greater efficiency and speed means you can enjoy high speed access to data and easily put in and get out the data you need. There’s also more guidance to help you build your integration and troubleshoot any issues issues, faster than ever before. Our improved API is ready to integrate with your marketing stack now, and in the future too. Flexible infrastructure means that our platform is built to grow with you, and support you in that growth too.

Some highlights include:

  • RESTful API with JSON payloads.
  • Higher than ever call rates.
  • High performance real-time data access, with bespoke content selection criteria.
  • High throughput bulk data import mechanisms.
  • Support for service versioning to ensure you automatically access the best version of the service without backward comparability issues.
  • Unified security across all our APIs.

How to get started

You can start using the new Dotdigital today! Just head to this article in our help center for more information.

The power of generative AI at your fingertips

Image showing the icon of WinstonAI, a cartoon dog, and a speech bubble offering feedback with three example alternative suggestions below

At Dotdigital, we’ve long utilized AI technology to offer you sophisticated insights, find engagement and revenue opportunities, and provide concrete actions for you to implement. Our latest release continues to build on this by giving you helpful tips and tricks on how to improve your campaign you when you’re putting together email content, or writing your next subject line.

Powered by WinstonAI

WinstonAI encompasses all sorts of known and new smart technology in the platform. Today we’re focusing on his generative AI capabilities. To do this, WinstonAI draws on Microsoft Azure’s generative AI technology (GPT-3.5) to offer suggestions and inspiration on how to take your campaign content to the next level. Working also with Microsoft provides us with the security and enterprise promise of Azure, so you can be sure that you are adopting AI responsibly.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI is a form of machine learning that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, and even audio, by analyzing huge amounts of previous data. Recent breakthroughs in the technology mean that the power of generative AI is now accessible to marketers in their day-to-day work, and we’ve incorporated this into the Dotdigital platform.

Why generative AI in marketing is important

  • Get inspiration. WinstonAI appears when you create an email campaign and provides relevant and personalized inspiration based on analyzing pools of data.
  • Stay focused and save time. You will receive AI-powered suggestions just when you need them most. WinstonAI is easily made part of your existing processes.
  • Better content, more engagements. WinstonAI gives tips on how to improve the tone of your email, points out where your audience might need additional detail, and highlights opportunities that will make your campaign even more successful.
  • Subject line support. WinstonAI will provide three subject line alternatives to the one you’re working on. These recommendations are based on data from your 25 most recent email sends, to ensure the advice is tailored to your brand and campaign style.

Predictive analytics

Image of a customer record with information including 'predicted next order date, churn probability, predicted CLV, and predicted total orders'

Know your customers’ next move before they do with predictive analytics. AI analyzes your customer data to create intelligence-driven predictions, so you don’t need to rely on guesswork.

Predictive analytics let you know what engagement and revenue opportunities are on the horizon and allows you to be proactive in converting that customer. This makes it easy to act at just the right moment to increase sales and put effective, long-term retention strategies in place.

Why predictive analytics are important

  • Stronger campaigns. Improve customer targeting with intelligent insights powered by data.
  • Improve CX. Provide an enhanced customer experience with expert personalization and just-in-time targeting.
  • Save time. Let the tech do the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on other campaign elements.
  • Be one step ahead. Get exclusive intel to create proactive targeting strategies that will keep you ahead of the game.
  • Insights you can trust. Have more confidence in your campaigns, inspired by concrete data analysis.

How predictive analytics works

Our predictive analytics focus on:

  • Churn probability: (e.g. This customer is 40% likely to churn).
  • Predicted next purchase date: (e.g. This customer’s next purchase date is predicted to be June 3).
  • Predicted customer lifetime value: (e.g. This customer’s predicted CLV is $360).
  • Predicted total future orders: (e.g. This customer is predicted to have three future orders in total).

The data will be available in:

  • Single customer view as dynamic metrics.
  • You can also create segments that use predictive metrics to decipher which customers to include.

How you can use predictive analytics

  • Prevent shopper churn. Easily identify which customers are at risk of leaving your brand. Be proactive and target these customers with a powerful win-back campaign.
  • Hit targets faster. Segment contacts based on predicted next purchase date and create campaigns with urgent messaging to encourage sales, such as time sensitive discount codes and free shipping for a limited time only.
  • Encourage loyalty. Target customers that are likely to shop elsewhere by creating a segment based on whether they have missed their predicted purchase date. Make these customers feel valued and revive their interest before they go to another brand.
  • Drive profitability. Identify and reward your future high-value customers with predicted customer lifetime value. Nurturing these customers early on can help ensure long-term success.

To get started with predictive analytics, sign up to our exclusive early access preview here.

What else is coming in this release?

New campaign heat maps

An image of a heatmap, it has an example email with some sections such as the main CTA button in red, and other areas are green to yellow, to red to show traffic clicks.

New campaign heat maps provide a clear, visual map of where contacts are engaging with your emails. Heat maps use a traffic light system to visually highlight where the most clicks take place, with red meaning most clicked, and green meaning least clicked.

This allows you to re-structure your emails to ensure key content is in the most prominent positions.

New Shopify and WooCommerce metafields

Image showing Shopify logo linking to colored label blocks saying 'birthday, VIP status, clothing size, shoe size' all linking to a photo of a smiling woman in an orange shirt, with the Dotdigital logo close by

We now sync metafields (also called custom fields) as part of our out-of-the-box integrations for Shopify and WooCommerce. Merchants will be able to utilize the extra data they store against their customers and orders to create even more personalized experiences.

Metafields will be synchronized automatically and can be used to to create segments, power hyper-personalized dynamic content, and be deciding factors in automations and more.

New Gorgias integration

Image showing a customer with a speech bubble saying 'hey, I need help with my order' the image also has overlayed text saying  'open ticket' and 'exclude from marketing'

Gorgias is a customer service platform built specifically built for ecommerce brands. It allows support reps to communicate with customers across multiple channels, including live chat, SMS, social media, email, phone and more.

This integration will allow you to

  • Get more insight into your customers, enabling you to personalize the messaging, content, channel and timing of your communications.
  • Exclude contacts based on ticket status.
  • Automatically enroll contacts into a program when their ticket is closed.

Back-in-stock notifications

Image showing back in stock notification including the product image, a kettle, and then the copy 'Your favorite item is back! And here is a 10% discount on us.'

As part of this release we launched back-in-stock notifications for all Big Commerce and Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) merchants using Dotdigital. Shopify merchants have been using and loving this feature for a few years. Our easy-to-use configurator means you can create on-brand notifications in no time at all and start generating more revenue in the background straight away.

Once a customer has signed up to back-in-stock notifications from your site, you can send them a triggered email as soon as the item is available to purchase. Back-in-stock email automations are a simple yet effective solution to recovering otherwise lost revenue. Not only do you save that initial sale, but also reduce the chances they will shop from a competitor (there and then, but also in the future).

Over to you

Now it’s over to you to get started with these new features, and of course reach out to your Customer Success Manager or head to our help center if you need any more information.

We’re also running a host of webinars to support this new release, sign up below.

The power of generative AI at your fingertips Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t new to marketers. In fact, Dotdigital users already benefit from AI daily, using it to simplify their lives with smarter audience targeting, predictive analytics, and intelligent product recommendations – to name just a few.

Thanks to the likes of ChatGPT and Google Bard, I think we can all agree that 2023 to date has already felt like a quantum leap when it comes to AI. We knew from talking to our customers that they loved how these new tools were saving them time and upping the quality of their work.

So, we wanted to make it even easier for our customers to access this new generation of AI in our platform at a click of a button.

Enter, generative AI for Dotdigital.

Digital marketing powered by WinstonAI

WinstonAI encompasses all sorts of known and new smart technology in the Dotdigital platform. Most recently, we added a new power to the mix: Generative AI. For this, WinstonAI draws on Microsoft Azure’s generative AI technology (GPT-3.5) to offer suggestions and inspiration on how to take your campaign content to the next level. Built directly into the Dotdigital platform, WinstonAI can now easily provide you with hints, tips, and advice on how to improve your email marketing. 

But what exactly is generative AI?

Generative AI is a form of machine learning (ML) that can produce different types of content. From text, audio, and imagery – generative AI can analyze huge amounts of data to generate highly relevant content. The leaps in technology made in recent years mean that the power of generative AI is now available to marketers in their day-to-day work – and we’ve incorporated this into the Dotdigital platform. 

Computer screen with GPT-3.5 assistant built in

Unleash your creativity with AI

With WinstonAI, you can receive campaign feedback on your email content in real-time. Use this feedback to gain inspiration and find data-driven and creative improvements to increase engagement levels.

WinstonAI shows up when you need him most: 

  • Email content: WinstonAI appears in the Dotdigital email editor and provides you with personalized recommendations on how to refine your copy. Whether that’s simplifying your language, adapting the tone to fit your message, or giving you valuable tips on how to make your content more engaging.
  • Subject line: Improve the open rates of your email campaigns with subject line recommendations. WinstonAI expertly analyzes up to 25 of your previous subject lines and provides tailored suggestions to resonate more effectively with your audience. You’ll receive 3 alternative solutions to choose from.

The benefits of WinstonAI

  • Get inspiration quickly. It’s impossible to always be on top of your game. WinstonAI is there for you when you need help getting campaign ideas off the ground.
  • Avoid writer’s block. Gone are the days of scratching your head, wondering what to write. Our AI assistant is always learning, so it will never run out of tips and suggestions.
  • Focus on what matters. Because he’s in your workspace, WinstonAI saves time, making your workday more efficient and freeing up your time to focus on the bigger picture.
  • Improve engagement and conversions. WinstonAI pulls from a vast pool of data and experience, giving you new ideas for campaigns you might not have thought of yet, ultimately leading to more engaging content that delivers conversions.
  • Simple and effective. Native in our email builder, you don’t have to worry about integrating new AI software into your existing martech stack, we’ve already done that for you.

What are WinstonAI users saying?

WinstonAI’s users across the globe praise its capacity to simplify email campaign content creation and improve employment rates. Hear firsthand from one of our many happy WinstonAI users, Alana Arthur, from Wittner Shoes in Australia:

Wittner Shoes’ Alana Arthur talks on WinstonAI.

How does WinstonAI’s generative AI capability work?

Behind the scenes, WinstonAI draws on generative AI technology from our long-time technology partner Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure was one of the early sponsors of OpenAI, one of the foremost innovators in this space, and the team behind ChatGPT.

We’re proud to work with Microsoft Azure on this because our relationship with them ensures we can deliver high-quality product features, great data governance, and security as standard, so you can be confident that all your data is protected and you’re adopting AI responsibly. 

Artificial Intelligence | Dotdigital nonadult
What is ChatGPT and will it change how we work? Thu, 02 Mar 2023 07:45:00 +0000 By now, it’s very likely that you’ve heard of ChatGPT. Since its launch in late November 2022, the AI chatbot app has garnered much attention. Its conversational and human-like responses to queries are what makes it both intriguing and controversial.  

Less than a week after launching, the app had more than a million users implementing the new technology to write essays, draft emails, create templates, and fix code. Reports of users being sassed and chastised by the chatbot quickly flooded in.  

While many of us have had fun testing the app’s responses to our questions, it has also given rise to a number of ethical and philosophical questions. Namely, how effective is ChatGPT and will it put jobs at risk?  

Before we get too deep, let’s take a step back and look at what ChatGPT really is, how it works, and what its limitations are.  

What is ChatGPT? 

When you pose the question to ChatGPT, this is the response you’ll likely receive:  

ChatGPT is a chatbot designed to assist with customer support, conversation, and information gathering tasks. It uses natural language processing and GPT-3 technology to generate responses that are tailored to the user’s input. ChatGPT can handle a wide range of queries and provide answers in real-time, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their customer support experience.  


So, what can we take away from that?  

Quite simply, ChatGPT is a chatbot, not too dissimilar to those you’re used to interacting with on live chat widgets on sites across the web. The main difference is the extent of data ChatGPT taps into to formulate its answers and the way it structures its responses.  

It’s a lot more conversational than previous chatbot iterations thanks to its natural language processing. This results in the human-like responses that have been attracting a great deal of attention.  

How does ChatGPT work? 

Okay, it’s time to get technical. 

The ‘GPT’ in ChatGPT stands for Generative Pre-training Transformer. Transformers are a type of deep learning algorithm that is widely used for natural language processing (NLP). It’s designed to process large sequences of data and learn patterns in that data. Processes vast amounts of text allows ChatGPT to perform various NLP tasks such as text generation and answering questions.  

What are the limitations of ChatGPT? 

While many of us have been impressed by the abilities of ChatGPT, it’s important for you to understand its limitations before choosing to implement the chatbot.  

1. ChatGPT can sometimes write plausible-sounding but incorrect responses 

 According to the company’s website, this is a challenging issue to fix because there is no single source of truth from which that chatbot can source its answers. Training the AI to be more cautious will lead to it declining questions and queries it can answer correctly, causing it to be significantly less effective.  

2. ChatGPT is sensitive to phrasing tweaks 

ChatGPT can sometimes claim to not know the answer to a question when it is submitted. However, a slight rephrasing of the question can lead to the chatbot interpreting the question differently and therefore answering the question correctly. As a result, you may sometimes have to rephrase and tweak your question a couple of times in order to get the response you require.  

3. ChatGPT can be jargon-y or repetitively use certain phrases

Issues can arise from biases in the training data applied to the app. For example, if the trainers prefer long answers that are ladened with industry-specific vocabulary, ChatGPT will likely formulate answers that jargon-heavy and difficult to understand based on patterns it has seen in its training data.  

4. ChatGPT can exhibit biased behavior  

The ChatGPT team at OpenAI have made efforts to teach the chatbot to refuse inappropriate requests using the Moderation API to block unsafe content. Unfortunately, there is still potential for ChatGPT to generate biased responses that contain offensive language if they are present in the text data it was trained on.  

How can marketers use ChatGPT? 

Even with these limitations, it’s clear that the capacity of ChatGPT is huge.  

For many of us, our day-to-day lives can feel like an endless to do list. Marketers are well-known for wearing many hats. AI has frequently been touted as the solution to this, allowing manual tasks to be automated and workflows streamlined to allow marketing teams to more effectively use their time.  

Given ChatGPT’s low-cost content output, it’s no surprise savvy marketers are already putting the app to use. If you’re planning on using it in your marketing, we’ve outlines the best ways you can negate the app’s limitations, while improving your productivity.  

1. Content creation 

ChatGPT is an effective tool for content creation. From blog articles and online content to social media, ChatGPT has already proven itself capable of creating marketing content.  

However, as with all marketing, it’s not that simple.  

There are a number of potential impacts to SEO you need to be aware of. Traditionally, Google has penalized auto-generated content, deeming it low quality according to the company’s spam policy. What’s more, ChatGPT is a competitor to Google leading to speculation that Google may move to penalize any content generated by its competitor.  As a result, your site could be completely removed from Google’s search results.  

So, instead of using ChatGPT to construct complete articles, it would be safer to use the app to build a general outline and have a human member of your team author and fact-check longer-form content. For short-form content that will not affect SEO such as social media posts or email, ChatGPT is here to make your life easier.  

2. Customer queries 

As with many chatbot, ChatGPT can help you create a pleasant and seamless experience for your customers. By delivering quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries, you can free-up you and your team’s time. Your customer support agents will then have more time to focus on more complex queries or time-intensive tasks.  

3. SEO and research  

ChatGPT has the ability to research and curate content from sources across the web. This is much more useful than manually sifting through search engine results. The app can identify timely keywords that are impacting your industry and will significantly reduce time spent researching and planning.  

However, there is still room for errors or omissions, so ensuring your team review and verify information is essential.   

4. Coding  

As well as writing in human-like, conversational language, ChatGPT can write code in a number of languages including C++, JavaScript, and Python, as well as error-check existing code. As a result, creating simple computer programs has become significantly more accessible to marketers of all specialisms. Developing this skill will help you and your team automate routine elements of day-to-day life.  

5. Data analysis  

We all know how important data is. Dotdigital helps you turn data into unforgettable customer experiences with engaging visualizations and dashboards, but what about the data that sits separate to our CXDP?  

ChatGPT can interpret information, dissect text and numerical data, spotting patterns and extracting insights from your datasets. It even has the ability to create charts. Overall, ChatGPT can make identifying trends in customer behavior simpler.  

6. Project management 

Finally, we know launching a new campaign or project is never simple. ChatGPT can be used to streamline the entire process. If you’re not sure about how to put your project into action, you can ask the app to create a step-by-step guide covering everything from what tools and skills are needed to how best to analyze and assess your results.  

Will ChatGPT affect my job?  

There has been a lot of chatter about the extent to which ChatGPT will start replacing people, but it’s safe to say it isn’t ready to take over any of our jobs yet.  

While it can help streamline work and processes, it still requires a lot of guidance and human supervision. Instead, you should see ChatGPT as a way to augment your skills. It’s a tool you should use to make your work life simpler.  

Content marketers can scale-up production and output by turning to the app to produce comprehensive content plans. Marketing managers can present the results of their campaigns in more engaging ways. Email marketers can dedicate more time to creating data-powered, personalized marketing by removing the time-consuming task of generating copy and templates.  

Overall, it’s important you understand what ChatGPT can and can’t do. If you’re planning on adopting the technology, remember that it’s only as good as your team. It still requires a lot of human checks and balances, so don’t expect it to immediately change your life. Simply allow it to improve your current outputs.  

Not so fast, 2022 Thu, 06 Jan 2022 09:16:58 +0000

A look back at 2021

Not so fast, 2022

Reflection on 2021

Every year Dotdigital gives its employees a break between Christmas and the new year. It’s the perfect time to relax, reset, and also reflect.

And so before we jump straight into what’s to come, I wanted to share some of my reflections with you here, and provide a recap of some of our favorite launches of 2021.

Did you know…?

We typically launch four product releases a year.  We are continuously deploying smaller updates and hotfixes, but anything significant that will affect how you work or inspire new ways of working is tied to quarterly releases.

Dotdigital has a public product roadmap, so you can see what we’re working on. Plus, check out the ‘Have an idea?’ tab next to your scroll bar, where you can post ideas of your own. We receive hundreds of ideas from customers and staff every month, which are all periodically reviewed. You never know, you may just see your idea on our roadmap next!

You can sign up to receive news, free resources, event invitations, and important product announcements here.

In case you missed it

With four product launches a year, even I find it hard to keep up. Here, I recap some of the big announcements that you’ll definitely want to note as you embark on your 2022 strategy.

Integrations hub

In 2021 we launched the Integration hub in the Dotdigital platform. The Integration hub houses a range of self-serve integrations that you can set up in minutes. Think Eventbrite, Zoom Webinars, Typeform, Google Sheets, and more. Check out this Q&A with Dotdigital’s Head of Online Marketing, Blake Jackson, in which we discuss how the Google Sheets integration has helped his team tell better stories through Google Data Studio.

We are working on more self-serve integrations so make sure to keep an eye on the Integration hub in your account with every product launch!

Screenshot of Dotdigital integration hub


e-R-F-M. Engagement. Recency. Frequency. Monetary.

eRFM is an ecommerce behavioral model that uses order and engagement data to organize your (soon-to-be) customers into differentiated segments based on their propensity to buy. In Dotdigital, eRFM powers the Opportunities dashboard, which uncovers engagement and revenue opportunities within your existing contact base.

What was wrong with retargeting in 2020? Not a huge amount, at least for its time. If like many brands you’ve experienced waning repeat purchase and customer retention rates. Consider this: marketers are marketing more, and in turn, consumers are engaging with more digital content than ever.

We’ve observed triple-digit increases across email opens and clicks across some industries. We’re all consuming more content digitally, but our wallets and minds are still the same ‘size’. This means more brands are vying for that same share of mind and share of wallet. Part of the answer lies within the sophisticated tools that Dotdigital has to offer.

The eRFM-powered Opportunities dashboard helps you be where others aren’t, and do what others are not. Check out this ebook which shows you how to use the Opportunities dashboard and find opportunities where the competition isn’t even looking.

Screenshot of eRFM in opportunities dashboard

Segment analytics

Another update that has helped brands the world over segment smarter, is Segment analytics.

Segment building is part of the day-to-day for many marketers, and lacking data often hinders their optimization. Segment analytics turns segment creation on its head and gives decision-makers and marketing executives a plethora of information that will help them create more considered customer cohorts.

As you build out your segment you can see real-time data about the contacts within it, helping you find the optimum customer-campaign fit, before you hit send. Our customers have loved this functionality so much that they soon turned to us requested we offer the same for address books. And so come February when our next product release lands, you’ll be able to access address book insights too.

screenshot of segment analytics

Program analytics

Program analytics screenshot

Program reporting is nothing new, but we found that marketers struggle to uncover what steps in their marketing programs are sealing the deal, and which are ripe for optimization. Whereas Program reporting continues to give you a birds-eye view to track overall program performance, we decided to introduce Program analytics in September 2021.

Program analytics gives you an in-situ view of your program’s performance, encourages a test-learn-test mindset, and paves the way for channel and message experimentation.

Single Customer View

We expect consumers to voice concerns around data privacy and security more loudly than ever in 2022. Contrary to popular belief, your SCV doesn’t get better with every piece of data you point to it. Building a SCV requires planning, consideration, and curation. And always start with ‘Why’ – when considering what customer data to collect.

Our last release of 2021 gave our customers the ability to build a more responsible SCV. You can use it to gain a better understanding of what it is your customers really want, check that your data enrichment strategy is effective, and drive a customer-centric agenda across your organization. Read more about what the new SCV looks like on our blog.

SCV example

Apple iOS 15

I couldn’t conclude this blog without a mention of Apple iOS 15, which gave consumers the ability to take control of their data and what is shared with the brands they engage with.

Protection icon

Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email are two key parts of the iOS 15 update that have preoccupied the minds of many a marketer in the past few months. For example, Mail Privacy Protection allows iOS 15 users to load email content privately, and not reveal their IP address. Unfortunately for us marketers, this reduces the reliability of your open data.

And so we have given all our users the ability to deprioritize opens and use clicks as a primary metric across our platform, in doing so we provide you with a truer view of customer engagement.

What’s next?

Our Product and Technology teams are working away on some exciting projects that will amongst many other things see the introduction of more self-serve integrations, improved onboarding for new customers, and increased flexibility when it comes to revenue attribution. Have I said too much? Maybe. Just be sure to sign up for our newsletter to ensure you hear about Dotdigital product launches first. 2022 has a lot more in store for us all.

In the meantime, check out our What’s new page to read more about 2021 releases in full.

2020 in review: From hype cycle to lifecycle Wed, 23 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Well, it’s been quite the year. And one that probably needs no introduction as I’m sure we’ll all gladly wave ‘Goodbye’ to 2020 and ‘Hello’ to a more hopeful 2021.

Whilst there are a lot of things about this year we’d rather forget, there are some things that are worth highlighting.

Year of digital converts

2020 is the year that the ‘late majority’ became fully-fledged digital converts. With many countries asking their citizens to stay at home or minimize their travel, consumers who previously shopped in store or preferred to access services in person, found they had little choice but to give the internet a go. All age groups have seen an increase in the frequency with which they shop online, too. This increase is strongest with the under 35s, of which 62% now shop online once a week or more, versus 48% last year. 

With our places of interest shifting online, so have our expectations and habits. Google reports that ‘live chat’ and ‘online classes’, amongst many other service related terms, have seen an increased search interest across the world. So, many businesses and organisations delivering events and services have found themselves testing fresh creative formats.

From a MarTech standpoint, it’s been a very interesting year too. Many marketing terms that you’d have seen in a game of buzzword bingo last year are now displaying adulting behavior, and have made their way into our day-to-day conversations and actions. Of course, I’m talking about terms like actionable analytics, CX (customer experience), machine learning, retention marketing, scalability, and so many more.

Still sound fluffy? Let me try to unpick my top three and explain how our customers have used some of the latest and greatest features in Dotdigital to accelerate their way up the (here’s another for you!) digital maturity curve.

Actionable analytics

Since its initial launch in 2019, Commerce Intelligence and RFM persona modelling in Dotdigital has surfaced a wealth of online purchases and persona insights. Grouping different customers into meaningful personas means you can send messages and offers that will help them graduate to the next level of loyalty.

Earlier this year, we made it easier to create segments directly from these dashboards, as and when you spot a cohort of customers you want to retarget with a particular campaign, for example. Bringing these personas into segment builder lets you overlay other attributes and create incredibly refined target groups. What’s more, persona groups are mutually exclusive, so you don’t have to worry if some of last month’s customers that needed nurturing are now high potentials and ready for a different message.

In addition to this, we’ve introduced a dedicated dashboard where you can track what’s happening with your abandoned carts. Learning from your shoppers behavior and fine-tuning your tactics accordingly can have a huge impact on your bottom line. We analyzed 9.2 million carts and found that cart abandonment campaigns recovered $245 million in otherwise lost revenue this year alone; you can read the full report here.

Artificial Intelligence

AI, machine learning, deep learning, predictive analytics. This topic corners an entire space in the ‘buzzword’ lexicon on its own! But not for long… Econsultancy concurs that some of the greatest challenges businesses have with AI implementation for marketing include: having access to the right data; not knowing what AI can do for your business in real terms; and (this one’s based on market feedback we’ve received) a worry that there is no control over AI output or no visibility of what that output even is.

If you’re already using our predictive recommendations (now accessible via a shiny UI that helps you match the right product recommendation type to the appropriate stage of the customer lifecycle), you’ll know that you can use ‘best next’ and overlay it with rules in segment builder. ‘Best next’ uses what is called collaborative filtering to, based on order behavior of similar shoppers, predict which products that individual is likely to purchase next. This is great, but sometimes you want additional control to exclude products from particular brands or categories in support of your latest campaign, for example. Many customers using predictive recommendations were asking us “How can I understand it?” and “What’s the AI doing?”, to help with this we launched affinity scores in October this year. You can find out more in this Q&A with Principle Product Manager Ian Pollard and resident Data Scientist Sam Crawley.


As mentioned above, Google reports that ‘live chat’ and ‘online classes’, amongst many other service related terms, have seen an increased search interest across the world. In an increasingly digital and remote world, consumers are seeking and expecting more personal experiences with the brands they love.

Live chat is traditionally a great way to handle after-sales and support queries, but we believe there is more in store for marketers and consumers alike, too. This year we’ve upgraded Dotdigital Chat in more ways than one, so brands can be as helpful pre-sale as they would be after one. This includes things like:

  • Multi-team support
  • Agent insights including browse behavior history
  • Forms in chat for easier acquisition
  • Translation support and enhanced email and browser notifictions

Another great way to deliver experiences that stand out from the inbox this year is with interactive email, powered by AMP. It’s a major update to a much-loved channel that’s close to our hearts. Our Head of Product Management, Michael Duxbury, explains more in his blog post.

Is that it?

From all-new program reporting to SMS enhancements, a better way with transactional emails and upgrades to our Dynamics 365 CRM integration, there’s a ton more that we’ve delivered that I couldn’t possibly cover in one blog post alone. To ensure you always receive updates about our platform, make sure your preferences are up to date by signing up to product updates here.

And don’t worry if you don’t feel you’re quite up to speed with any of the above just yet. Our incredible customer success and support teams are on-hand to deliver the five-star experience we hope you have come to expect of us. So, do reach out if you want any more information on any of the above.

Next year is jam-packed with more platform enhancements and features that even the most seasoned of marketers should get excited about. For a sneak peak, remember you can always check out our roadmap here.

Lifting the lid on AI: What affinity scores mean for marketers Wed, 25 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 In a brick-and-mortar store, your best sales person is the one who knows their customer (that doesn’t mean knowing them personally, but rather aligning them to a typical customer type) and their product catalogue inside out. Machine-learning product recommendations not only replicate this experience online for your customers, but they can also do it at scale!

For example, our algorithms will be able to determine without any input from you that someone who has bought a tent and a sleeping bag is probably going camping. It will map that user journey against other similar user journeys and start to recommend products that are related to that path. As a marketer who knows their products, you could probably do this manually, but you couldn’t scale it.

Dotdigital allows you to simply drag-and-drop a block into place to enable this personalized recommendation for thousands of customers. In this blog, we chat with principle product manager Ian Pollard and product data scientist Sam Crawley to talk us though a recent innovation: product recommendation affinity scores, which are now available for you in Dotdigital.

Who are affinity scores for?

Ian: Affinity scores are for curious marketers and merchants who want to understand a lot more about their customers. They uncover what kind of discrete customer/product relationships there are and also what are the strength of those.

We built our AI-powered product recommendations to allow merchants to create hyper-personalization and one-to-one content for their customers. All of the heavy data work is handled by the machine learning. The experience for our users is pretty much drag and drop. Drop this block into a marketing campaign – job done! What we then learned from our users is that they are incredibly curious and they want to understand what the AI is doing. That’s where affinity scores come into it, as they allow marketers to explore customers and the relationships they have with products; and visualize what AI says is a good fit. Excitingly, those same affinity scores will enable features coming up to power things like affinity-based auto-segments to find best contacts for a particular set of products. This would essentially automate segmentation.

Where did the need for affinity scores arise from?

Ian:  AI traditionally is a black box. It’s only natural marketers then ask us: “How can I understand it?” and “What’s the AI doing?”. We wanted to enable that and open the black box up.

AIs are incredibly powerful and perform increasing functions within all aspects of business. It’s important to establish trust with the users of these AIs and one of the ways we do that is by visualizing the output for people – essentially letting people see what the algorithm sees.

Sam: It’s also important to note that the affinity scores have always been there, we just haven’t been surfacing them. So it’s not so much the need for affinity scores that is new, but the need to show them to our users and for them to make a judgment on how well a recommendation might perform.

How do they work?

Sam: As mentioned, affinity scores are not new, they are a by-product of our personalized recommendation algorithm, so the best place to start to explain them is there! When we run our personalized recommendations, we create a great big sudoku-style matrix between all contacts and all products. Like a sudoku, we prefill some of the squares with numbers we know, a contact’s preference score for each product they have ordered. This still leaves us with a huge amount of missing values in our ‘sudoku’! We tell the algorithm the rules and essentially let the algorithm attempt to solve the puzzle by filling in the missing numbers. These missing numbers are our predicted affinity scores, and for every contact we take the products with the top 10 affinity scores and serve them as recommendations for that contact.

We have two AI-powered product recommendation types in Dotdigital – lookalikes and best next. Lookalikes intake content-based analysis of the products themselves whereas best next examines similar shopper patterns. The affinity score will be unique to both the customer and recommendation type. The numbers indicate the level of confidence we have that the customer will have a preference for that product.

Were there any challenges that came up whilst developing affinity scores?

Sam: Well, trying to speak the same language as a computer is one! It’s a challenge we knew going in but the numbers spat out by our algorithm are meaningless on their own. The numbers it provides us with in the raw form are not percentages, just numbers without a hard-scale. So the main challenge is converting that number to a human readable format – or a percentage. We do that by reviewing what the highest possible confidence score is in the matrix and treat this as our 100% confidence, then scale every other number.

Could you explain the different tiers of score of what this would mean for an ecommerce marketer?

Affinity scoreProduct fitPredicted outcome
70% to 100%Highest level of confidenceThis band has the highest predicted level of engagement, and therefore conversion.
40% to 69%Strong confidenceThese products will have a strong fit for your contact, and the recommendations should drive both higher engagement and conversions for the contact.
10% to 38%Some confidenceThe recommendations in this band should still see higher engagement than non-machine-learning recommendations.
1% to 9%Low confidenceSeeing this band score usually means that whilst there are some affinities which may result in higher engagement or conversion, we need to see more purchases to increase model accuracy.

Ian: Any level of affinity you see in your account will be interesting. The higher the affinity score, the higher the confidence level. What that means in terms of outcomes for marketers, by using measures such as email click-throughs, length of web sessions, number of page views and ultimately the number of conversions, the higher the score, the more confident we are these would increase. Of course, the more orders the algorithm has to review from your account data, the more confident it will be in its predictions. Newer users or users who have only recently started syncing order data may see lower levels of confidence, but the algorithm is still picking up on data patterns and making informed predictions. The more data you feed it, the more likely you are to see scores in the higher brackets, but don’t be disheartened if you don’t see these scores at first.

Sam: You’re going to be seeing, at most, ten of these scores for product recommendations for a contact, and hopefully you’ll be seeing some or all of those in the top tiers. If you see a lot of them in the bottom two tiers, it could just mean there isn’t enough data for this particular contact to make a confident recommendation. The ‘cold-start’ problem is a known issue, (and one we see in real-life!) of what to recommend someone when you have no idea what they prefer. It’s fixed by feeding it more data. You have to remember, affinity scores are different from probability scores, they are confidence scores, so they are dependent on data.

Do you have any advice for ecommerce marketers who are going to use affinity scores?

Ian: If you’re not already using sample-sets of customers, then you should! Just as you might go and look at purchase behaviors like whether they have abandoned carts or gone to pages on your website, you should also, as part of that customer analysis, go and look at the products they are being recommended and what the affinities are for your products. I would then feed this back into your customer personas as part of your general understanding of your customer base.

Do you think AI-capabilities will become increasingly important for marketers?

Sam: Absolutely. The more data you have available, the more confident you can be about any decisions that are being made based on that data. But there’s an added layer of complexity to that. The more data you have, the harder it also is to put it to use. A marketer is just one person, and people, even a team of people, aren’t as good at sifting through large amounts of data as a machine. As we generate more data as a society and more people move online (especially during the pandemic), the need for AI will increase and marketers should start to leverage the capabilities now.

Ian: In addition to the time it will save you, naturally as humans, you start with a theory and you proceed. One of the issues with that is that your experience, the sum total of everything you know and everything you’re trying to do as a first step is potentially leading to a linear outcome. AI doesn’t come with your biases or prejudices, or expectations of what should happen. If there are patterns, it will find them, regardless of whether or not you think they should be there. It’s going to come out with something in some ways, more creative ideas that perhaps wouldn’t of occurred to you. Not just that, but it can do it at scale.

What does an ecommerce marketer need to start using affinity scores?

Ian: Simple, if you’re a customer, get in contact with your account manager. If you’re not and you’d like to learn more about our ecommerce offerings in general, get in touch and we’ll happily talk you through what we can do to help.
