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Practical ways to drive customer loyalty in 2023

Learn key ecommerce tactics to keep your online shoppers coming back for more

Practical ways to drive customer loyalty in 2023 webinar

Are you an ecommerce business struggling to drive customer loyalty in these uncertain economic times? You’re not alone! With many organizations turning to marketing acquisition budget cuts, the challenge of standing out in a crowded market has intensified.

In this webinar with our partner Fresh Relevance we share ecommerce tactics to delight your shoppers at every stage of their purchase journey. Based on insights from the Fresh Relevance Loyalty Report 2023, we provide top tips, practical advice, and real-life examples from industry experts across different areas of the customer experience.

Covered in this webinar:

  • Segmenting new and returning customers
  • Boosting loyalty and re-engaging customers with product recommendations and back-in-stock emails
  • Types of customer data to collect for personalization
  • The importance of multi-channel marketing

Watch the video now.

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