Less effort, more bookings

Maximize bookings using Dotdigital’s intuitive travel marketing tools. Monetize touchpoints with relevant content, engage tourists with trip notes, and follow up with customer love.

How it works

Inspire your customers to book, upgrade, and re-book time and time again.

  • Drive more bookings

    Increase new and repeat bookings through relevant, data-driven marketing campaigns that excite and inspire positive action.

  • Curate unforgettable journeys

    From branded landing pages to beautiful emails, sell experiences tailored to customers’ needs, and behaviors.

  • Keep customers engaged

    Whether it’s rich editorial content or key transport and itinerary updates, make sure your customers are always in the know.



  • Customer data and insight

    Dotdigital’s filtering tools help you create powerful and actionable segments: from online activity and email behavior to booking frequency and value.

    • Data

      Connect Dotdigital with travel systems and put your customer and booking data to work.

    • Segmentation

      Segment your bank of marketing contacts based on opens, clicks, and views.

    • RFM

      Discover what customers buy and how, where they visit and when. Trigger luxury offers or exciting deals that match customer profiles.

  • Customer marketing

    With data in one place you can create your customer marketing campaigns in no time. Craft relevant trip reminders and real-time travel updates with SMS, creative destination content with email, plus contextual booking recommendations that are hard to ignore. 

    • Channels

      Curate stand-out emails that align to customer needs. Notify your audiences with timely SMS and connect through live chat.

    • Personalization

      Engage and convert customers with data-driven prompts, dynamic content and relevant destination recs.

    • Automation

      Build bold customer journeys across multiple channels with our extensive range of data-powered automation programs.

  • Campaign optimization

    Spread the impact of your travel marketing campaigns with targeted social ads, and tailor-create campaign content that fits with your travelers’ needs. Our insightful testing tools will analyze your performance and help you improve further.

    • Facebook and Google ads

      Finesse your campaign with social retargeting that spurs interest in destinations and generates real bookings.

    • A/B and multivariate testing

      Choose the right option or combination; test a couple or multiple campaign variables to boost results.

    • Advanced personalization

      Win customers with unique content, plus tailor-made products, packages and destinations.

  • B2B marketing

    Corporate-friendly travel marketing tools that cover your strategy. Our scoring and automation features will help you generate group leads and then nurture and convert them into bookings.

    • Contact scoring

      Assign contacts points based on how they interact with your marketing, then once engaged enroll them onto nurture programs.

    • Nurture campaigns

      Persuade your leads to complete their bookings with triggered email marketing content.

    • B2B automation

      Select multiple marketing and lifecycle automation programs to create your ideal customer journey. 

  • Reporting and analytics

    Communicate marketing metrics to your team, region, business or group. Highlight campaign performance, discover who your travelling personas are, and pivot your marketing to better reach target customers.

    • Campaign analysis

      Delve into performance indicators you can easily understand and action.

    • eRFM

      Identify key opportunities by overlaying booking metrics with engagement data like clicks and browse history.

    • Ecommerce reporting

      Discover booking trends so you can drive the right deals to the right customers.


Drive your travel and tourism brand further, with stellar content, imaginative creative, and relevant messaging. Upgrade your marketing with us.


Our team of platform onboarding specialists will help you get your step into gear.


Platform experts who will guide you to make the best use of Dotdigital for travel.

Account Management

We’ll help you with platform and feature queries, and inquiries on your plan and billing.


Our global help desk is available wherever in the world you are.

Custom Technical Solutions

Our solution experts will work with you to create a custom set-up that works right for you.


Your strategy is safe with our consultants who have worked with numerous travel brands.

Creative Services

Let us emulate your brand through stunning design and creative to look your best.

Managed Services

We’ll speed-up and maximize your team’s output. We’ll stick to the brief and deadlines.


Trusted  guidance on how to ensure your emails get sent successfully to the right place.


You’re only a few steps away from taking the smartest marketing decision you ever made for your store.

  • 1

    Talk to us

    Ask us about our platform, what it does and how it works. If you’re interested, we’ll propose a plan that fits with your long-term goals

  • 2

    Onboard with us

    Once you’re ready we’ll complete your account activation, which might include uploading data or setting up connectors, and train your managed users.

  • 3

    Grow with us

    Now you can hit the ground running. Always remember we’re on hand with marketing support, advice, and services to help you push your e-store further.